Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome Post

A year ago, I started my own little backyard chicken farm.
Despite having grown up on a ranch, I knew little about chickens, farming, or anything really like that when I began keeping chickens.

I got mixed reactions from my friends and the public.
I was surprised that so many people were impressed, since, once again, my knowledge about chickens was about as vast as..oh, say a chicken's knowledge of...anything.

But, here I am - a year later ALL of my chickens have survived, so I figure I must have some pearls of poultry wisdom to broadcast into the world.

What this is not, is an educational site.
There are thousands of people who are more knowledgeable on the subject of backyard homesteading.
These are just experiences and anecdotes in the life of an accidental chicken farmer.

So, pull up a chair, learn a thing or two, and laugh at the crazy bird lady (that's ME!) you won't be disappointed;)


  1. Such a cute blog idea. I love it. As soon as we have a space of our own we'll be keeping chickens too, but it's far more common here.

    I'll be reading!

  2. Thanks Marianne! You will love it one day. So satisfying to eat an egg you just collected that morning!
