One second, the baby chicks are sweet cuddly puffs of downy fuzz, then they begin to get their feathers and turn into gangly teenagers.
It is an awkward time to be a chicken.
Because I am
Josephine - Rare Blue Andalusion
(later renamed Joseph in light of some proper gender identification)
(later renamed Joseph in light of some proper gender identification)

Genevieve - Cornish (A meat bird)
(Genevieve also turned out to be a rooster, but we kept the name because, 1. We were lazy. 2. We we sold it on Craigslist, and 3. It's just a chicken)
(Genevieve also turned out to be a rooster, but we kept the name because, 1. We were lazy. 2. We we sold it on Craigslist, and 3. It's just a chicken)

Popcorn - Sultan Hen
(also very rare, decidedly the kids' favorite. She is docile, and sweet, and when she runs around in those feathery bell bottoms, it looks like a scene from Saturday Night Fever)
(also very rare, decidedly the kids' favorite. She is docile, and sweet, and when she runs around in those feathery bell bottoms, it looks like a scene from Saturday Night Fever)

Cup, Rainbow, and SweetiePieDaisyRosyFlower (yes, that was one name)
Unknown Red Variety, perhaps Brown Sex Links
(They all look the same. I don't know which is which. The girls do though. They are hardy egg layers)
Unknown Red Variety, perhaps Brown Sex Links
(They all look the same. I don't know which is which. The girls do though. They are hardy egg layers)

And that concludes the Spring photo shoot '09 with the ladies...and gents.